October 13, 2022•1 min read
Major news for all Stacks users that Stacks App is under development and how this will transform our world.
Add your main post title here
This Poster2 project page uses a Grid containing one Item into which Poster2 injects the contents found in each Poster2 Item and creates a new Grid Item for each Poster2 Item. If you have 4 Poster2 Items, then 4 Grid Items will be created into a Grid of 4. If you add onother Poster2 Item, a new 5th Grid Item will be created when you re-publish.
Each Poster2 Item links to it's own web page with a unique URL. Using the Poster2 search will search all blog contents. All you need to do is to duplicate the last IPoster2 Item and edit the text contents and link to a new image. You can set how many Poster2 Items appear on a single page, and Poster2 will add additional pages as required.
Adding new Poster2 Items
The Poster2 Items are set to display chronologically so their order in Stacks is not important. However, it makes Edit Mode sense to add new Items to either the top or bottom to keep track of them. The best way to add a new Item is to duplicate the last Item created, and then adjust the date, the Title, Contents, tags, etc.. to create the new Item. Then re-publish.
This is all written using Markdown inside a Source Markdown stack.
How do I use this blog to create a new Post?
In Stacks, locate the last post which is normally at the top of the Poster2 ITEMS. Duplicate the post, i.e. copy and paste it. Then edit the new Poster2 that you just duplicated:
- Add a new title, making sure that it is a unique title
- Change the date to reflect the newer date for this post
- Select the image for this post and Edit the image location.
- Edit the Summary text and the Main Content text.
- If using the Categories, Tags, Time to read, etc., then edit these
- Add any classes to add specific styling to specific Poster2 Items.
- Re-Publish to go live
Things to note
The Summary text is set to be truncated at 2 lines when displayed in the initial grid list layout. This avoids long summaries
Some Grid Items are set to span 2 columns at different screen sizes. These are set in the Source stack at the top of the main Poster2 layout.
See Project notes for list of styling optins for specific Poster2 Items
Yet another Source Poster2 Project that achieves a 100% speed result on Google's PageSpeed Insights